Saddle up for 2025.

Whilst its only January, we’re excited to sink our teeth into 2025! For us, we did most of our planning back in October. We find this gives us time to think & ensures we can hit the ground running come the new year. This is what our planning process looked like this time around. Its nothing fancy, just some basic points to get us thinking…
Celebrating the wins from 2024: Its important for us to look back over the year & think about the great things we achieved as a family & business. What were the highlights? What did we enjoy? Going back over these wins makes us remember what a great year it’s been & also puts us in a positive space to plan for the year ahead. Some great wins for our business this year included asuccessful online bull sale, having great people in our team & being able to purchase some neighbouring land. Wins for our family included our boys loving school & enjoying their horse riding.
Calendar audit: We go through each activity that was written on our 2024 calendar & put it into one of three categories:
- Good use of time/effort/money
- Poor use of time/effort/money
- Fun activities we enjoy
Then we look through the lists & discuss what needs to change. We also rebook any dates for 2025 as required.
Something that stood out for us was that we had a lot of people visit our farm throughout 2024. With events like our field day, bull inspection day, private sales, grass group etc we estimate we had over 200 people come through the front gate. We love sharing what we do & put these visits on the ‘good list’, but this process did help us identify why we were feeling like we needed some time to recharge!
Revised our Mission, Vision & Values: In the past we’ve spent a lot of time on this, but this year we felt comfortable that it still reflects who we are & what we’re striving for. We simply reminded ourselves we need to use it more in our decision-making moving forward.
Our mission: We are committed to regenerating our land, whilst at the same time operating a productive & profitable seedstock business. This creates opportunity & enjoyment for all involved.
Goal setting: All our financial goal-setting is done at the change of financial year. For the start of 2025 we spent more time developing personal & family goals. We also made a list of ‘Reminders’ for the wall. These included:
- Consistency is king. Keep doing what we do well. Don’t get distracted.
- Stay positive: Be optimistic, find solutions & be grateful.
- Keep learning: Stay sharp, educated & adaptable.
- Allow ourselves more quality thinking time: Make better decisions.
- Stop blaming external factors (ie. the weather). We are the architect of our own success. Just this simple planning alone helps us feel more in control & ready for the year ahead. It also gets us excited & motivated to saddle up & make 2025 our best year yet.
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